Numi Tea

Buy Organic Tea in Australia

eTraid is proud to be a supplier of Numi tea, a high quality brew sourced from fair-trade cooperative tea estates around the world. The estates that grow their organic products are renowned for paying their members a fair wage and enabling them to invest their profits in health, education and other programs to benefit workers, their families and their greater communities

Numi Organic Tea is a business we’re proud to be supporting, with their values aligning perfectly with what we’re hoping to achieve. Through their fair trade and fair labour programs, Numi has been able to sell their organic tea online in Australia and throughout the world while still acting responsibly in the best interests of their workers.

More than just green tea

Along with selling their organic green tea online in our Australian store, Numi also produce a wide range of other beverage options including decaffeinated tea. Loose leaf, decaffeinated tea and iced tea are just a few of the products that you can buy online in our store. The decaffeinated tea our Australian website stocks includes ginger lemon and black vanilla while other caffeinated organic tea flavours include breakfast blend, golden chai, black berry and jasmine green.


Not only are Numi Tea committed to the ethical treatment of workers, but they’re committed to treating the planet fairly too. Each product is placed in recycled, sustainable packaging that reduces the company’s ecological footprint, an action that has lead to them receiving numerous awards for their commitment to environmental sustainability. 


The company’s environmental concern is also one of the reasons why Numi Tea is so dedicated to being certified organic; their belief is that we should preserve our earth’s resources by not using herbicides or pesticides, which just so happens to be fantastic for your health as well.


So if you like a cup of something hot in the morning, why not give Numi a try and help other people and the planet while you’re at it.